Home Learning Programme

During national school closure, in the fight against Covid-19, the Academy implemented a Home Learning Programme to ensure that students do not miss out on vital education. The Academy will return to this in the event of a national school closure.

The Home Learning Programme consists of:

Home Learning Protocol

  • All students will follow their normal timetabled lessons.
  • All lesson resources will be posted on Satchel One, all of the lessons will be online by 8:30am each day. This work will be labelled classwork and will have the day’s date on it. For each of the lessons, it will give you clear instructions of the tasks to complete and resources will have been attached by your teacher.
  • All timetabled lessons will have a live element (minimum of 30 minutes, maximum of 1 hour 20 minutes) which will be accessible to students through Microsoft TEAMs and this will start at the normal start time as though you are in school.
  • Students must be logged into their MS TEAMs lesson in order to be marked present.
  • Students who are not present on MS TEAMs will be marked absent.
  • All student must attend their tutor time each day.
  • Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 and Sixth Form – Start at 8:30AM

Instructions for Students

  1. Follow their normal school timetable with the new Home Learning times and complete their lessons in those time slots.
  2. They should access the work on Satchel One, all of the lessons will be online by 8:30am each day. This work will be labelled classwork and will have the day’s date on it. For each of the lessons, it will give students clear instructions of the tasks to complete and resources will have been attached by their teacher.
  3. Complete all work either in their subject book if they have it or separately on lined paper or on the computer. Students will be expected to bring this work in with them when they return to the Academy.
  4. For some Satchel One lessons there will also be a quiz that the students should complete in the lesson slot or other work that should be uploaded. This will be linked to the learning from the lesson and will give their teacher a clear indication of how well they have understood the content.

Logging On & Attendance

Students must login each day to Microsoft TeamsSatchel One Show My Homework and Firefly portal to access work and resources for subjects timetabled on that day.

Attendance will be tracked for each lesson online. The Pastoral Team will monitor attendance and keep students on track. If your child is unwell or unable to attend the Home Learning lessons on a particular day, you must call the attendance line or email attendance@hammersmithacademy.org by 8 AM. Normal attendance routines apply. You will receive an attendance text message if your child is not marked as present for their lesson. Student Achievement Managers will follow up on any attendance issues.



Students will be following their normal school timetable.

Policies During School Closure

During the period of school closure, schools are having to adapt to students working at home and online. As a result, there are additional annexes to existing policies which cover the new developments in teaching online.

Annex to Behaviour for Learning Policy – Online Tutoring



Safeguarding Annex 2 – Covid-19



Home Visits During Covid-19

